Animals Communication & Healing
Nature Communication & Ecotherapy
Soul Potential: Energy Healing & Transformation Guidance
Communication & Healing
Animal Communication Reading:
Location: you and your animal(s) can be located anywhere in the world!
All pets, domesticated and wild animals, deceased pets can communicate with us
Communication can take place live or remotely with a photo
Time: a typical reading is approximately 1 hour via telephone
Format: Our call will cover your pet's answers to your questions and their special message for you
Pets: please send a photo of your pet alone with your questions prior to our call via email
Wild and farm animals: a photo of the animal(s) and/or a photo of their location (garden, Wood, barn, stall, etc) is helpful
Focus: You can ask anything you would like to know! E.g. concerning daily life, dietary and behavioral issues, how you can deepen your relationship and acute and chronic health concerns
Health issues: animal communication compliments the work of Veterinarians. Uncertainty arises due to the limitations of testing and obvious communication barriers. Animals can tell us what ails them assisting in proper diagnosis and choice of treatment.
Animals that have already crossed over can also speak with us. This can be a very beautiful and healing experience.
Energetic Healing session:
A 30 minute healing session can be booked with or without a reading:
In an initial reading, your pet may request energetic support during our conversation. l can let you know prior to providing the healing
Once your pet and I have worked together, follow-up healing sessions can be booked without an additional reading.
The advice and guidance provided by your pet during the session will be shared with you.
Focus: These sessions can assist the healing and recovery from trauma, acute and chronic conditions as well improving emotional and psychology well-being, much the same way we benefit from a healing session.
Transition Assistance: (typically 1 to 2 sessions)
Includes communication and energetic healing support
Asking your pet directly what he/she wishes can provide you both comfort when considering the options as advised by your Vet: Where your pet is in their transition process, how you can best support them during this process, what their special needs are, what their last wishes or soul tasks to fulfill are (their bucket list!), and what they would most like you to know before they transition.
Trauma Release for Rescued Animals and Guidance when Adopting:
Includes a combination of communication and energetic healing support
Depending on the severity of the animal's situation and related trauma, more than one 1 session may be recommended
Focus: to assist you with the adoption and integration process of a rescued animal. This is especially helpful in determining what the needs of the animal will be and how you can best meet them.
Missing Animal Search support:
Direct communication with your pet will be possible regardless of distance and circumstance. Usually, your pet will be able to provide clues and information that assist us with their location and/or circumstances of their disappearance.
Family Constellation (Mirroring Work):
This interactive energetic healing session will involve you, your pet(s) and additional family members as guided by your pet.
Often our pets hold or display certain emotions, behavioral patterns and illnesses for us, in an effort to assist our own healing
Your pet will experience great relief and a return to well-being when the family unit as a whole transforms a dynamic causing imbalance. Mirroring work clears projections, reassigns responsibility and can improve health for the entire family.
Communication & Ecotherapy
Nature as therapist and guide. Ecotherapy is a practice of inclusion. It is for everyone! and involves working with what is readily available - be it your city park, your balcony or even a house plant indoors. A session will include facilitated nature-based activities which serve to expand your sense of self to include the wider world and to balance your inner and outer landscapes creating a more harmonious experience of life. Through Nature's guidance, you can find gentle solutions and to find ease for physical, mental, spiritual and psychological issues restoring well-being. Please get in touch to discover how Ecotherapy can support you.
Tree Messages:
Do you have a specific Tree in your garden, neighborhood or along your hike you would like to talk with? We can deliver your message and ask for advice for your own journey. Please send a photo and relevant information via Email.
Tree Removals and Relocation:
Trees request advance notification prior to a removal. This is a very important communication, which demonstrates respect for the trees and our natural environment. This enables them to prepare energetically and physically for their transition as well as reduce the trauma inflicted on their surrounding community.
Landscape & Place Healing (Rebalancing):
Location: In person and remotely with location information and/or a photo
Time & Format: Please contact me to look at the details of your request together
Purpose: Promoting the experience of greater health, peace and well-being in your home, garden or living environment for you and all those within your natural community. This work aims to restore the nature balance of energies and elementals in the area.
Historical Site Human Trauma Release and Rebalancing for Nature and Elementals
This work is performed when I am called to serve in a particular area and the time is right for transformation and release from traumatic human events. Examples are churches, battlefields, buildings, and any site where humans have had an impact on the land and nature. You are welcome to bring a site or area to my attention and I will tune-in for guidance on how I can assist Nature's return to balance. When I cannot travel to the site, I will need the location for google maps to serve remotely.
Soul Potential Session:
Every person is unique and therefore so is each session!
Location: sessions can take place in person or remotely (distance healing)
Time: a typical session will run from approximately 45 min - 1 hour and will include energetic healing and transformation guidance. The below is a general guide (which will adjust to what is most suitable for you at the time of your session):
5-10 minutes: we begin with a brief call to clarify and set the intentions for your session
20-40 minutes: working energetically in silence
10-15 minutes: a call to discuss your experience and the guidance that has come through from your Higher Self / Soul.
Focus: You can focus your session on any topic or issue that feels important to you such as emotional and physical well-being, relationships, your professional life, clarity for important decisions, ask specific questions and receive general guidance from your Higher Self for your next step towards living your potential.
How many sessions or is one enough? One session may be enough to set you on the course to realizing the transformation you are seeking! As we will work in "Creator Consciousness" and with your Higher Self as guide, the aim is to activate your own self-healing ability and to empower you to create well-being for yourself as soon as you will allow it. Occasionally, follow-up sessions may feel helpful (e.g. if you are seeking support to accompany you during surgery and recovery medical treatment) or when you are ready to move onto a new topic for transformation.
Energy Transmission for Healing & Support:
Single: These remote sessions are 22 minutes in length and occur in silence. I will connect with you remotely at our agreed upon time. Please sit or lie down in a comfortable position with no distractions to receive the healing transmission.
Series of 3: When requesting a series of remote sessions (in group of 3), we will agree the days and time for your sessions in advance, within a one week time frame is often most beneficial. Should something change or arise on your side, the transmission will still be there for you to receive at the moment that is most appropriate for you. Nothing is lost.
Follow-up and Feedback: I welcome your feedback via email 48 hours after your session(s).