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Energetic Healing

Transition Assistance

Family Constellation & Mirroring work:

  to promote the transformation of family dynamics

Trauma Release for Rescues

Missing Animal Searches

Animal Communication & Healing

Animal communication is possible from any place and over any distance. You and the animal you wish to communicate with can be located anywhere in the world! We can communicate with pets, farm animals, birds and even wild animals, such as the mice in your basement, the mole digging up your garden and the bear in the woods!


By telepathically communicating with animals, we open to a new level of relationship with the natural world. Our understanding of nature and the animal kingdom deepens into a more inclusive understanding of life, which assists us and the animal kingdom in so many beneficial ways. Together, we experience more compassion, find healing and inspiration and discover solutions for a more peaceful coexistence. 


Animals speak in a language of love and compassion, free of human projections. Their messages offer healing and transformation restoring balance and harmony. If you ever wanted to know what your dog is really thinking, this is the bridge to a deeper understanding.


Animal Communication gives a voice to animals and allows me to serve as a translator and messenger between you both. My hope is that the experience will enrich our relationships and will inspire a reawakening of our heart's awareness of the interconnectedness of all life.

This is their invitation to us.

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