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Come home to yourself and your natural community.

Blue Jay drawing

"Recognize, greet, and listen to all forms of Nature,

from the lowly moss to the greatest tree.

All share in the one life, all dance to the same rhythm,

all blend their notes in the song of the universe."

Michael J. Roads

Hi I'm Beth,


Welcome and thank you for being here!

I care passionately about the natural world and our collective well-being. I've been communicating with the Spirit, Soul and Consciousness that imbues all Life since my childhood. I spent many years working in global finance, all the while the Trees consistently inviting me to share their messages with others and to speak on behalf of nature. Eventually, I quit my job and now serve as a bridge between Humanity, Animals, Nature and the Earth, giving us access to the higher wisdom and support found in Nature and from our own Souls that is eternally available to us.


In partnership with Nature and Soul, I catalyze the transformative process of bringing your highest potential into living, embodied experience. With an Ecotherapy or a Soul Potential session, you will be guided through the process that aims to help you remember your innate ability to self-heal and to reconnect with yourself and the wider world in a much deeper way. 


It is my hope that this work will aid us in restoring our sense of belonging to the Whole. I believe when we know the Soul we share with all life, we will work to preserve and protect the natural world.

Woman with dog and Beech tree
One touch of Nature
makes the whole world kin.
                         William Shakespeare
Flowers on Wood

Soul Potential

"It fills me with joy and confidence to know that there are people who support others to regain access to the essentials. I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart, dear Beth. I very much hope that you will reach more and more hearts with your deep communication and that our Soul connection will be felt and lived again for everyone. Thank you for your work!"

Vanne - Cologne, Germany

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